Monday, November 30, 2009

I am back

Hi Guys..

I am back in Bangalore. I came this morning... I brought cold and cough with me.. ;-).

I am settling down now. Will get into full swing in a day or two...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Coming back.............

Its been 3 weeks I saw dad.... He must be missing me.....
The wait is over... I am in Hyderabad now.. having fun with Nanamma and thatha. Starting here on Sunday, will be in Bangalore on Monday.

Now, I am able to speak a little. Trying to say whatever mom says...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

On Vacation

I am on vacation now. Enjoying the holidays at ammamma's house in Nalgonda. Hmm.. planning to go back to hyd to visit grandama and grandpa this weekend.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

My second Diwali celebrations

This year Diwali was good. It was a long weekend. I went to zoo. I don’t have many photos taken there. Dad forgot to check camera charge before going to zoo. He realized it only when he actually wanted to take a snap… This one is taken with his mobile…

Next day we celebrated Diwali with babai and mama too. I am improved.. Lat year I was burning only ribbons, this time its pencil!!!! What next….

After a long gap

Hi All..

How are you? You missing me.....

I am quite busy these days playing games, learning animal names and lots more...

I am planning to update you regularly from next month...

Keep waiting...